
9月23日 第3天 第3场 - 论坛 Conference: 见证酷儿迭代,冲破二元壁障 Generation Q: Breaking Binaries

2018年9月23日 20:00 ~ 2018年9月23日 21:30




    2018 上海酷儿影展将在探索酷儿形象在过去近二十年影像中经历的迭代更替。从上世纪末探索华语世界性别表现的中文纪录片到今年获得泰迪熊奖的巴西剧情片,我们邀请你一同见证酷儿影像在不同时间和空间中的多元化更迭呈现,冲破社会中对男女性别和同性/异性取向的二元体系。

    SHQFF 2018 explores images by queer generations from the past twenty years. From late 20th century Chinese documentaries that explore gender expressions to this year’s Teddy Award-winning drama from Brazil, we invite you to witness the changing queer images through time and spaces, and to break through binary systems of gender and sexuality in the society.

    本届影展特别设置论坛环节,希望在影展的空间下提供话语和想法的自由空间。论坛将就酷儿电影本身,以及其表现出来不同文化不同时代中的酷儿生存环境展开讨论。美国电影制作人 Dean Hamer 和 Joe Wilson 以及影评人秦以平将就酷儿电影的演化与发展展开讨论。

    This festival has specially included a conference module, hoping to provide an open space for thoughts and discussions. It will cover queer cinema, as well as the lived experience of queer people like those in the films we have showcased, across various cultures and times. American filmmakers Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson, as well as film critic Lesley Qin will open the discussion on the evolution and development of queer cinema.

    Professor Wei Wei, from East China Normal University and Lilian Shen, from Queer Talks and TransTalks, will share their thoughts on queer life as reflected on screen.

    Members of the audience are invited to actively participate and contribute as well.

    嘉宾介绍 Panelists Info:


    Dean Hamer & Joe Wilson

    Dean Hamer 曾获艾美奖及《纽约时报》年度最佳作者,多年来的作品面向不同人群探讨着复杂且有争议的观点。Joe Wilson 曾从事国际发展及人权事业,后投身纪录片制作。他与Dean Hamer 拍摄的短片在网上及电视上得到传播,作为草根内容中的先锋力量触及了广泛的受众人群。此外,他们的作品还为各地社群和教育机构所用。他们创立了Qwaves,制作纪录片,为少数性群体发声。

    Dean Hamer is an Emmy Award winning filmmaker and NYT Book of the Year author with a long history in communicating complex and controversial ideas to diverse publics. Joe Wilson got involved in documentary filmmaking following a career in international development and human rights. Their short films pioneered citizen-generated content on the Internet and cable television, and were used by numerous community and educational organizations. They formed Qwaves to make documentaries that emanate from the voices of sexual minorities.

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    秦以平 Lesley Qin

    秦以平毕业于纽约大学蒂诗艺术学院电影研究硕士班,曾任纽约亚美国际影展 2013-2014 策展经理,并在冉茶社、纽约文集资料馆等场所组织放映。她现居上海,从事上海科技大学和南加州大学电影学院联合举办的影视教育工作。
    Lesley Yiping Qin holds a M.A. degree in Cinema Studies from NYU Tisch. She was the program manager of the NYC-based Asian American International Film Festival from 2013 to 2014, and curated several screenings for venues such as Ran Tea House in Williamsburg, Anthology Film Archives, and such. She is now based in Shanghai, managing a filmmaking workshop jointly held between ShanghaiTech University and USC School of Cinematic Arts.

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    沈乐琦 Lilian Shen

    沈乐琦是“酷儿说”和“女众不同”的联合创始人, 同时也是 TransTalks 和上海骄傲节的成员。 酷儿说是一项讨论性质的双语活动,覆盖中国及海外的酷儿议题。女众不同则着重于提升社会对于反性别暴力的意识。TransTalks 是上海第一个关注跨性别议题的组织,致力于倡导跨性别群体权益及危机干预。上海骄傲节是中国最早一批的 LGBT 组织之一。沈乐琦同时也是一名专业的即兴表演实践团体的导师,与上海“芝麻控”合作,并有她自己的项目 “Diversity&Inclusion”,进行双语教学。

    Lilian Shen is a co-founder of Queer Talks and Women Up!,and a member of TransTalks and ShanghaiPRIDE. Queer Talks is a bilingual discussion-based event on queer-related issues in China and overseas Women Up! focuses on raising awareness of gender-based violence. TransTalks is Shanghai's first trans-focused organization dedicated to promoting trans rights and performing crisis intervention. ShanghaiPRIDE is one of China's oldest LGBT organizations. By profession, Lilian is an applied-improvisation corporate trainer with Zmack Shanghai and delivers her own bilingual Diversity & Inclusion program.

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    魏伟 Wei Wei

    魏伟,华东师范大学社会发展学院教授,主要研究和教学兴趣为性/别研究与城市研究,尤其聚焦中国当代都市中的酷儿社群。著有《公开:当代成都“同志”空间的形成和变迁》 《酷读中国社会:城市空间,流行文化和社会政策》。
    Wei Wei is a professor from East China Normal University researching social development. His main research and teaching interests are gender and urban studies, with a particular focus on the queer community in contemporary cities of China. He is the author of Public: The Formation and Change of Contemporary queers in Chengdu and Cool Reading of Chinese Society: Urban Space, Pop Culture and Social Policy.




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    • bigcong


    • Caro


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